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Jessica is driven by the desire to make an impact, connect with people and cultivate equitable access through speaking, consulting, writing and storytelling — and helping others channel the power of their stories.

Jessica’s Companies


​​Jessica is the founder of iYellow Group, which is committed to breaking barriers in communication for the Deaf, Blind, DeafBlind and Low Vision communities. It’s founded on the philosophy that all individuals should have equal access to the necessary tools for professional and academic success. Its companies comprise iYellow Interpreting, iYellow Access and iYellow Captions.

iYellow Interpreting provides qualified, highly-trained interpreters who are experts in American Sign Language and English. iYellow Interpreting offers specialized interpreting in technical, legal, government and business fields. It also provides video remote interpreting and interpreting for high-profile events, including White House events, concerts, celebrity award shows and more.

iYellow Access aims to foster independence and provide easy access by implementing accommodations to support the Blind, DeafBlind and Low Vision communities. iYellow Access has partnered with federal agencies, commercial organizations, non-profits, and state and local Department of Rehabilitation agencies.

iYellow Captions improves communication nationwide through on-site and remote captioning and CART services. It also creates and provides transcripts. By broadening equitable communication access and celebrating differences, all are able to thrive. Captions can be provided for settings including group trainings, conferences, classrooms, live webinars and meetings.

Investment Portfolio

Jessica is an investor in various lifestyle, health and wellness brands. Jessica is actively looking to invest in new companies, specifically in those industries. She is also passionate about creating equitable access and supporting entrepreneurs that are in marginalized communities.

To discuss investment opportunities with Jessica, get in touch.

Let’s connect!

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