Rigidity and Routine: Entrepreneurship Tips for Ongoing Success

One of the key entrepreneurship tips to establishing and running a successful business is discipline. You have to be disciplined in terms of the hours you put in; you have to be disciplined as far as following protocol; you have to be disciplined when it comes to setting company goals and achieving milestones. At the core of any successful enterprise is a disciplined leader. 

But what about leadership and rigor outside of company doors? During working hours, you may be the most organized and efficient boss on the planet, commanding carefully devised daily plans and ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. When you return to home life and take off that boss hat—what happens to that structure?  Does routine go to the wayside? 

There are times when everyone’s day-to-day lapses into chaos—sometimes it simply can’t be helped. Especially if, like me, you’re a working parent with a very active family. Yes, I’ve certainly had those occasional no-sleep, race-through-a-drive-thru, hair’s-a-mess moments. But what I’ve discovered to be critical to my success — both in running my company and being the person I want to be —  is self-discipline. Easier said than done, right? I get it--but It doesn’t have to feel impossible, especially if you take the time to establish a routine within every single facet of your life. 

It would be difficult to find a successful entrepreneur without a routine. From the moment they wake up until they retire for the evening, they have a plan and strive to stick to it. 

Rigidity has gotten a bad rap. It tends to be associated with a restrictive mindset, and while in some cases this may apply, I believe that it’s time to reconsider what being rigid means, and how applying rigidity to your life routine can result in positivity and productivity.

Rethinking Rigidity

Pause for a moment and look at your life. Check out a snapshot of your most common days. What do you do that is helpful? And conversely, what might be some of your less desirable habits? What may seem like a short moment actually makes a big difference--even just how you get up in the morning. Did you know that the CEO of Twitter begins each day with exercise and meditation? Or that Arianna Huffington writes out her day’s priorities first thing in the A.M.? It's positive habits and a solid routine that some of the most successful people rely upon to jumpstart their early hours and give them a course to follow for their day. 

Ultimately, the structure you devise for your life will translate to increased productivity, more energy, better health and well-being, and, of course, a far more optimistic outlook. Consider the following:

  • Nutrition. We are all guilty of the occasional cheat moment, or, during more trying times, that entire cheat day. Looking at the big picture however, what are you doing every day to ensure that you’re eating the kinds of foods that are beneficial to your body? Greasy fried foods, sugars and sweets give us momentary pleasure, but leave us feeling sluggish and not on top of our game. Establishing a more structured approach to nutrition isn’t only good for your body — it will help you to think clearer, focus more intently, feel more emotionally balanced and maintain your energy levels

    For healthy eating made easy, I love nutrient-packed, pre-made meals. Some of my favorites include Trifecta, CleanEatz and Metabolic Meals. My family also loves Kodiak Cakes

  • Working Out. There is nothing easier than saying I’ll exercise tomorrow. And then the next day. And the next. While beginning an exercise habit might take more motivation, when you make it a daily part of your routine, your body eventually comes to crave it. It becomes a form of self-care to look forward to, helping sustain high energy levels, boosting your mood and sleep quality, and keeping you healthy. 

  • Family Time. When you’re experiencing a drastically hectic day, some of the easiest people to dismiss are your loved ones. After all, they will always be there, they’re guaranteed to love and forgive you, right? But spending time with family is crucial for our mental and emotional wellbeing. Your family reconnects you with that inner spark, re-energizes you, brings you peace and comfort, and reduces stress levels.

  • Goal Setting. Without question, a must-do part of your daily routine should be planning and goal setting. This isn't just about listing out what you want to accomplish tomorrow. Think bigger — set daily and weekly benchmarks that get you closer to those big ticket goals. The simple act of taking time every day to write these out will make a huge difference in your ability to go after and achieve them.

Every day probably isn’t going to work exactly as you have planned. But things will become much more fluid, productive and easier when you introduce a little rigidity and routine into your life. The question to ask yourself is – do you have the discipline to create the life you want to lead?


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